Wednesday, 31 July 2013


Hello everyone,

So I finally bit the bullet and set up my own blog(after the constant nagging from my friends and family)! I decided to dedicate this blog to the two things in life that I adore...Beauty and baking.

From a young age I was always in the kitchen stirring up a mess, experimenting with ingredients that would result in a sweet treat.Baking is a hobby of mine that I am confident in and it always puts a smile on my face when I see someone nibbling on my confections and actually enjoying it! 

It has only been in the past two years that I discovered the world of cosmetics but it is an affair that I spend most of my free time on. I'm constantly researching different products and brands, learning as much information that my brain can possibly handle.

Hence I decided to name this blog 'Frills & Flour'. I hope this becomes a place where you can come to find yummy recipes and read reviews that you can trust.Also feel free to follow my blog on Bloglovin where my new posts will automatically appear on your feed! 
Love Kate x

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